Check out what we have planned for this year



Sunday February 9 : Super Chili Bowl 1 round at Camden 2 Park – Rumble Fundraiser

Sunday March 23 : Iowa Dubs unsanctioned Eastern Ave Park, Davenport, IA & Devils Glen Park, Bettendorf, IA

Saturday April 5*: 1st Annual LoPro, Prospect Park Moline & Longview Park Rock Island, IL, PDGA C-Tier 

Sunday April 13:  Camden Dubs, Camden Park, Milan, IL unsanctioned  

Saturday April 19*: 1st Annual Muscatine Open, Fuller Park, Muscatine, IA PDGA C-Tier

Saturday April 26*: Goose Creek Doubles, Goose Creek Park, Davenport, IA unsanctioned 

Sunday April 27: 5th Goose Creek Open, Goose Creek Park, Davenport, IA PDGA C-Tier

Friday -Sunday May 16-18: The Rumble Amateurs PDGA A-Tier 

Friday-Sunday May 23-25: The Rumble Professionals PDGA A-Tier

Saturday June 14*: Iron Lion Safari Doubles, Richmond Hill Park, Geneseo, IL unsanctioned

Sunday June 15: 19th Iron Lion Safari, Richmond Hill Park, Geneseo, IL PDGA C-Tier 

Saturday July 12*: Iron Lion Open Doubles, Eastern Ave Park, Davenport, IA unsanctioned

Sunday July 13: 19th Iron Lion Open,  Eastern Ave Park, Davenport, IA PDGA C-Tier

Saturday August 9*: Battle of the Camdens Doubles, Camden Park, Milan, IL unsanctioned

Sunday August 10th:  6th Battle of the Camdens, Camden Park, Milan, IL PDGA C-Tier   

Saturday August 30: Camden  Harvest Fest Disc Golf Touney unsanctioned

Saturday September 13*: 1st Annual Kewanee Open, Baker Park, Kewanee, IL PDGA C-Tier

Saturday-Sunday September 27-28:  Tentative Matzen Lake Weekend unsanctioned

Saturday October 18*: Devils Glen Doubles, Devils Glen Park, Bettendorf, IA unsanctioned

Sunday October 19: 14th Running with the Devil, Devils Glen Park, Bettendorf, IA PDGA C-Tier   

Saturday Nov 1st : 15th Annual Camden Triples, 2 Rounds at Camden 1 & 2, Teams of 3 Best Shot, Milan, IL unsanctioned   

*Collin Thompson will host & TD these events



King of the Courses is a tournament style event that travels to various courses in the Quad City area on Wednesday evenings. Anyone is welcome to play.  There are 5 skill divisions; Open, Advanced, Intermediate, Recreational, and Women.  You do not have to play all the scheduled events, but you must play at least one to qualify for the finals. You will receive points based on your play and at the end of the season we will Crown the King of the Courses at the very challenging and beautiful Matzen Lake temp course. $10 to play. Amateurs are paid out in merchandise, Pro in cash. Optional $1 Ace Fund.

Expanded Flex Time for those that organize their own groups of 3-4 players & submit electronic payments starting as early as 11am.  If you opt to play early, a digital scorecard will be required.  All players on card would need to be paid to play and for ace fund BEFORE teeing off.  All players on the card must be King of the Course Participants.

There is an added $1 Fee for all electronic paypal payments/ No Fee for Venmo

Professional payouts will be paid out via paypal or venmo. All Amateur divisions will recieve prize payouts in the form of store credit at Iron Lion Disc Golf Supply storefront.

We will still show up at the course to accept cash sign in, distribute paper scorecards, and facilitate groupings from 4-5pm.   Last card needs to be turned in by 9pm (electronically).

Rounds will NOT carry over if postponed due to weather.  Meaning, if you play early in the day and we postpone at noon, your round WILL NOT COUNT.


In honor of the Reigning King Dawson Snelling, 1st of his name, we give you the 2025 King of the Courses schedule….












PDGA Sanctioned League on Monday Evenings.

$10 to Play with $1 Optional Ace Fund.  You do NOT need to be a PDGA member to participate but if you are, the rounds will be factored into your PDGA rating.  All PDGA Rules are to be followed.  Pro divisions will pay out in Cash(or paypal) & All Amateur Divisions in Iron Lion funny money. All PDGA divisions will be offered, however if there is only 1 player in a division, the payout will be cut in half.

Expanded Flex Time for those that organize their own groups of 3-4 players & submit electronic payments starting as early as 11am.  If you opt to play early, a digital scorecard will be required.  All players on card would need to be paid to play and for ace fund in advance of teeing off.  All players on the card must be Mulligan Monday Participants.

There is an added $1 Fee for all electronic paypal payments/No fee for Venmo

submit paypal to store@ironliondgs.com / venmo to @IronLionDGS

Professionals will be paid out via paypal or venmo

We will still show up at the course to accept cash sign in, distribute paper scorecards, and facilitate groupings from 4-5pm.   Last card needs to be turned in by 9pm (electronically).